Friday, 5 November 2010

Still Recovering After Foot Surgery

It's November and a grey, gloomy day here in the UK. The only brightness is produced by the gorgeous yellow, gold and reds on the trees. I love autumn days but prefer them with a little sunshine no matter how cold it gets.

So, how is my foot doing?

Actually quite well. At my last physio appointment about three weeks ago, I was getting a bit frustrated. I was doing the exercises, working hard, but seeing very little results. I did not feel that I was improving that much.

The physio listened and then during the session, pointed out all the ways I had improved since I had last seen her! It just felt like such slow progress!

Then in the last week, something has happened: I have stopped relying on my stick! I can go for walks to school or round the supermarket without relying on something to support me. I even went round town yesterday without my stick. I am still limping slightly, but I am comfortable walking.

This is a huge boost to my confidence. I am so pleased. My foot is also recovering better in the evenings and I am finding that even when I put it up, if I roll a small squashy ball under my foot for a few minutes then I am able to stand up and walk without drunkenly staggering about.

It now truly feels that recovery is on its way.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Back to School After Foot Surgery

Well, it's happened! The days are getting shorter yet brighter and the leaves are beginning to turn all kinds of colours on the trees. It's time to go back to school.

I was so grateful for the help that I was given last term. I had people helping me with school pick-ups, with meals and with lifts while I couldn't drive. Now I have to get back into a routine.

DH still takes my youngest to school. That helps enormously and I encourage my eldest to get herself to school whenever possible. This week she's had a cold, so it's been a little more difficult. I am back to cooking, but DH clears up at night because my foot has had enough by the end of the meal. He is still putting the children to bed most nights.

It's good to get back into a routine. It's good to realise that I am starting to get better and use my foot more successfully. But my foot still aches when I use it too often and the balance between rest and walking can be hard to make.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Still Recovering After Foot Surgery

I saw the physio today. She is a bit dour, but proficient. She put me through my paces, but frustratingly my foot did not want to stretch very far. It was a bit early in the morning and I had just been rushing about doing sandwiches and getting the children off to school.

We went to the gym which was a new experience for me. I tried walking, standing on one foot and then my bad foot and walking backwards. I came away with a new hip-strengthening exercise to add to my repertoire.

As soon as my foot was in the shoe, it was much happier, so she suggested that I need to wear less supportive shoes to enable my ankle to get used to working again. Luckily I bought a new pair of supportive sandals just after I last saw the consultant. It's been a warm day so I've been wearing them, but they seem hard after my memory sole inserts! The plus side is better ventilated feet!!

Monday, 30 August 2010

Still Recovering After Foot Surgery

I have been doing my physio exercises more regularly and am beginning to see benefits. My foot is able to move better and further before it hurts and some flexibility is returning. I am still on Ibruprofen in the morning and try not to do too much. Following the advice of the physio, I am trying to keep my foot up more and rest if not due to do something in the following half an hour.

It's difficult to see how far this recovery will go at the moment. I am able to walk, but still prefer to use a stick if a short journey or crutches for longer walking or uneven ground. I know that it can take a long time to heal - many people have told me at least six months and at the moment it has been around 16 weeks. My foot is still prone to swelling if used too much and it can still be painful to walk, but I do feel that it is better than it was before the surgery.

Time will tell if this will improve at all.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Week 10 Going on Holiday After Foot Surgery

The Friday following the consultant appointment where I was told I no longer needed my boot, I went on holiday to Norfolk in the UK.

Perhaps not the most sensible move, but I wanted to get away and we found a great cottage on the Norfolk broads overlooking the marina at Wroxham.

There was a lack of seating, so in order for me to put my foot up someone lost a seat. I hogged the best one unfortunately.

It was a great holiday and DH was great at cooking and taking the kids for walks to the shops etc but I still overdid it on occasion and, even more terribly: I DIDN'T DO MY EXERCISES!

My foot still swells up when I have been on it for a bit and this makes it almost impossible to work my foot.

I got back this week and saw the physio. I do need to keep stretching out my foot, so this means a more concerted effort this week, although I am away again at my parents' house.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Week 9 Adjusting to Walking Without the Boot

Today I went to see the consultant. I'll admit it - I was confident. I've been able to stand for short periods without the Boot. I was happy with my progress: wounds have healed and are gradually desensitising and feeling is beginning to return to the side of my foot.

I was checked over and referred to the Physio. I have seen her before. She checked my ability to mobilise my foot. It wasn't good because I had been in the Boot for over an hour. It always stiffens up after that. She gave me some exercises to do and agreed to see me in two weeks. I have a holiday coming up soon.

I was told that I no longer had to wear the Boot. I asked about the kind of shoes I could wear and was advised that high-top trainers would be best. I knew the type - I had lived in them for ages before the op. I had it in mind to go shopping for some new shoes and asked about sandals. Sadly gladiator-type sandals were out. I would need something very supportive to wear for my ankle in the short term.

So I went to town. I found an expensive pair of Ecco sandals (men's) which were very shaped and comfortable in the local Clark's shop.

Could I find a new pair of trainers? Not at all! It's the end of the season and many sizes are out of stock, so it was back to my old pair for the time being.

However it hurts! I overdid it in town today. It's not the first time I've been to town, but it's the most walking I have done and by the end of it, I was aching!

Planning to take it easier for the rest of this week!

Friday, 16 July 2010

Week 7 Walking More Easily After Foot Surgery

Week 7

This is starting to really speed up now! My Leg Caddy went back last week as I was getting about so well on crutches. It had to be packed back up into its box and sent back via courier which was paid for when I ordered it. The company, Wheelchairs r Us have been really great: ringing regularly to keep in touch and check that everything was all right.

I'm really motoring now. I've been out to two kids' sports days (with a companion each time and a fold-up chair) and coped reasonably well with rough terrain. I am comfortable walking for short periods round shops with one crutch and I am happy driving. My leg can get a bit stiff if it is in the boot for a while, but it soon eases once I am resting again.

It's nice to be more up and about, but I am trying not to overdo it. I have two more weeks until I see my Consultant again.

I reckon it's speeding up so fast because it's nearly the school holidays! Woohoo!