Friday, 10 September 2010

Back to School After Foot Surgery

Well, it's happened! The days are getting shorter yet brighter and the leaves are beginning to turn all kinds of colours on the trees. It's time to go back to school.

I was so grateful for the help that I was given last term. I had people helping me with school pick-ups, with meals and with lifts while I couldn't drive. Now I have to get back into a routine.

DH still takes my youngest to school. That helps enormously and I encourage my eldest to get herself to school whenever possible. This week she's had a cold, so it's been a little more difficult. I am back to cooking, but DH clears up at night because my foot has had enough by the end of the meal. He is still putting the children to bed most nights.

It's good to get back into a routine. It's good to realise that I am starting to get better and use my foot more successfully. But my foot still aches when I use it too often and the balance between rest and walking can be hard to make.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Still Recovering After Foot Surgery

I saw the physio today. She is a bit dour, but proficient. She put me through my paces, but frustratingly my foot did not want to stretch very far. It was a bit early in the morning and I had just been rushing about doing sandwiches and getting the children off to school.

We went to the gym which was a new experience for me. I tried walking, standing on one foot and then my bad foot and walking backwards. I came away with a new hip-strengthening exercise to add to my repertoire.

As soon as my foot was in the shoe, it was much happier, so she suggested that I need to wear less supportive shoes to enable my ankle to get used to working again. Luckily I bought a new pair of supportive sandals just after I last saw the consultant. It's been a warm day so I've been wearing them, but they seem hard after my memory sole inserts! The plus side is better ventilated feet!!